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Domestic EPC

Domestic EPC

Energy Performance Certificate

A Domestic Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document that assesses and rates the energy efficiency of a residential property. It provides information on the energy usage and carbon emissions of a property, as well as recommendations for improving its energy efficiency. EPCs are required whenever a property is sold, rented, or newly built.

Domestic EPC

Energy Performance Certificate

Domestic EPCs play a vital role in promoting energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. They provide valuable information to homeowners, landlords, and tenants about the energy performance of a property. By understanding the energy efficiency rating of a property, individuals can make informed decisions on how to improve its energy efficiency, reduce utility bills, and contribute to a greener environment.

Domestic EPC

Benefits Of Having a Domestic EPC

Energy Savings

EPCs provide recommendations for improving energy efficiency, which can lead to significant energy savings and lower utility bills.

Environmental Impact

By implementing the energy-saving measures recommended in the EPC, homeowners and tenants can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.


It is a legal requirement to have a valid EPC when selling, renting, or constructing a domestic property. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in penalties.

Property Value

A higher energy efficiency rating can enhance the value and marketability of a property, making it more attractive to potential buyers or tenants.

Tenant Satisfaction

It is a legal requirement to have a valid EPC when selling, renting, or constructing a domestic property. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in penalties.

Domestic EPC

Value of smart living in aporto complex

A certified energy assessor visits the property and collects data on various aspects, such as insulation, heating systems, ventilation, and lighting. This data is then used to calculate an energy efficiency rating for the property on a scale from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). The assessor also provides recommendations for improving the energy efficiency of the property.

If your property has a low energy efficiency rating, there are several measures you can take to improve it. These may include installing insulation, upgrading heating systems, replacing inefficient appliances, and using energy-saving lighting. Implementing these measures not only improves your EPC rating but also enhances the overall comfort and value of your property.

Domestic EPC is a crucial document that provides valuable information about the energy efficiency of a residential property. Whether you are a homeowner, landlord, or tenant, understanding and acting upon the recommendations in the EPC can lead to energy savings, environmental benefits, and compliance with regulations. If you are planning to sell, rent, or build a property, make sure to obtain a valid EPC to ensure a smooth and efficient process.

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